Thursday, December 10, 2009


Someone put tape all over this poor tape dispenser. It was so shiny and new just last week. I will keep it on my desk from now on.
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Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Water. If I drink it I'll need to pee, but the bathrooms don't work because there is no water. And we're all still here.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Snow: better than hourglasses.

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Screaming on the inside. May explode presently. Please stand back.

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Friday, December 4, 2009


I spend a lot of my day waiting.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Card Full

I have no room on my card for pictures today. Which makes me sad, pictures are fun. I don't know how I managed to fill the staggering 128mb :P

Anyhow, I'll have to put the pictures on the computer tonight.


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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The sun is shining

And it's charging me up.

I had lunch with a good friend that I haven't seen much this summer. We had a lovely chat about our lives and where we're going. I couldn't completely tune in, I get a little spacey looking at the computer screen all day, but I don't think he minded. It was such a nice refreshing thing to do to shake up the work day. Maybe that's why people do lunch.

Anyhow, I'll have to put this charge to good use now, there's work to be done :P


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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Booked our Reception Today

Yup, this is where it will all go down.

We officially have a Church, Reception Location, DJ, and photographer booked. Now, what else do I have to do in the next year?

Well, we've picked colours, we've started discussing invitations and place cards (two projects mostly for Alex), and I'm doing the Bridal Salon Tour 09.

What scares me are all the little details that can make or break the thing :P


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Booked our Reception Today

Yup, this is where it will all go down.

We officially have a Church, Reception Location, DJ, and photographer booked. Now, what else do I have to do in the next year?

Well, we've picked colours, we've started discussing invitations and place cards (two projects mostly for Alex), and I'm doing the Bridal Salon Tour 09.

What scares me are all the little details that can make or break the thing :P


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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I's sorry

I've been busy; work has been busy (and I moved offices), life has been busy (so much Ultimate frisbee, reletives visiting, yoga, parents moving). Summer is a crazy time of year.

And on top of that we got engaged.


Very happy.

But now it gets busier :P


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Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Hobby Room

So we got an iMac last night and it is beautiful.

Unfortunately the room it's living in is not so pretty. It's a mess.

So, out of respect for the magnificent Apple design I'll be cleaning up and organizing that room for the next week.

And I need to do it cheaply because Macs aren't cheap :P


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Friday, July 17, 2009

At Photography Class

Listening attentively.

Or at least he was. I'm writing this. Teehee

Ok, it's starting for reals now.


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Monday, July 13, 2009


My computer won't start :P

So now I wait for IT to get back to me or for the computer to finally get a clue.

It frustrates.


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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ginger Tea is a very good thing.

It really helps settle the stomach after a night of drinking.

Also, drinking is not a very good thing :P


Friday, June 26, 2009

I like to take pictures of my food

So far this trip I've sent Alex pictures of the huge Starbucks sandwich, the tuna wasabi tartare, and the asparagus and goat cheese pizza I had last night. I'm not sure why, it's not really bragging but apparently I like to document my food choices when I'm away.

So, for my last meal in Edmonton I'm going light with Italian Wedding Soup and a chai latte at the Three Bananas Cafe. Yummy.

EDIT: oh, and the Chai Latte was AWESOME!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No room for me

Yesterday I travelled from St. John's, NL to Edmonton, AB (both in Canada). I arrived at the St. John's Airport at 11:00AM (NL time) I was at my hotel (Courtyard Marriott Downtown) in Edmonton at 9:00PM (Mountain time). With a total elapsed time of 13.5 hours. For the last half hour of my flying time that day all I could think about was arriving at my hotel, settling in, and going to bed.

But there was no room for me.

Ok, so they had arranged for a room at another hotel and were going to pay for the stay there and my transportation. So it wasn't really that bad.

But when she first told me the hotel was overbooked my spirits did drop slightly :P

And I did stress about getting to my training course the next day on time. And about not being able to settle a little and all.

Anyhow, I attended my training course today (at the Marriott) (oh and I was 50 minutes early) and afterwards I went to see if I'd have a room tonight.

Oh I had a room alright. A room with a king size bed and a WHIRLPOOL TUB. I think the following picture pretty much sums it up.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So, Pearson Airport does not have free wireless and the paid service was taking too long to take my money. I wish I was brave enough to sneak into the lounge. I'm not even brave enough to sneak into the international side in my search of the LUSH store. Where are they hiding it? No one seems to know about it :P

So, I probably won't be writing any fantastic posts as trying to add links on my BlackBerry is an exercise in frustration.
So what will I do to occupy the next 2.5 hours?

Sherlock Holmes that I downloaded onto my iPod before leaving St. John's? I'm thinking yes :)


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Monday, June 22, 2009

No walk today

We have the day off so me and Alex are cleaning up the 'hobby room' and running a few errands.

I'll be travelling for work tomorrow so I'll have some time to compose a post or two.


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Saturday, June 20, 2009


It's pretty sunny out today and the iPhone was getting too hot :P


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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A raven

I think this is a raven! There was a crow next to it so I was certain it wasn't a crow. Its head looked very fluffy and its nose looked kinda Roman.

Best thing to happen to me so far today!


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Monday, June 15, 2009

Walking: quickly

No leisurely walks for me today! No I must get myself to Extreme Pita and back in record time. Why? Because I may have to take off half an hour early so I have to work through my half hour lunch hour. So, technically I have ~0mins to walk to EP, order lunch, and walk back to work.

The good things about this walk:

1. I can see Extreme Pita from my office building (you may have to closely examine the above picture).
2. I am wearing a magenta cardigan. Magenta has powers.

Bad things about this walk:

1. Time limit :P

Wish me luck and time travel :D

Power in blue and red wavelengths!


P.S. I used to pronounce Magenta, Magnet-a. Understandable for vocab gleaned from a crayon.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Walking: 3 words

Three words to describe me today:


I'm melancholy because I can't seem to shake this recent case of the blues. I don't feel all that great but I'll bide my time because I am working on busting these blues.

The planning weekend is getting closer, we're going to figure out where it will take place tonight. In the meantime I have to assemble the materials I'll need to do some effective life planning. I also need to hunker down and get our apartment cleaned up. This includes purging my wardrobe and my hobby supplies. A close look at my book collection may also be required.

So far, I'm using my Google Calendar to track my deadlines. I like how colourful it is :)


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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Following: Kingdom of Style

I've been reading the royal blog of Queens Michelle and Marie for almost a year now. I love all the fabulous things they write about from fashion to decor to flowers :)

Queen Michelle is always finding new designers and filling her posts with beautiful pictures to inspire the fashionista inside. She also shows us her own interpretations to inspire us even further. Hey, if she can do it why can't I? I'll admit I haven't taken to wearing corsets over my clothes but it's only a matter of time before she gets to me.

Queen Marie posts on a wider variety of things but like Queen Michelle her style is quite distinct. I love her posts on home decor, even the crazy expensive ones because they're meant to inspire a more whimsical take on home decorating. She also likes flowers and that always a plus.

So to get you started here's a few recent posts I've starred, feel free to dig deeper and get a real feel for the place.

Stop Australia!

Faster Pussycat
Mother knows best



Good Morning!

I walked to work this morning, it was lovely. It's totally crucial to my mental health. In the car I'm always hurrying, walking makes you slow down (obviously) and enjoy the moment.

It's good times :)

I'll have that following post up tonight. It's on my favorite style site, I'm very excited.


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Monday, June 1, 2009

Walking: One of those Days

I did not want to go for a walk today. I did not want to get out of bed either. But I did both and the fresh air is helping clear my fuzzy head.

I've had these days at least twice a year for pretty much all my life. My mind and body are tired and feeling empty. It's definitely time to fill up the tank. Fortunately me and Alex are planning a weekend away from the world to recharge and focus. It's about three weeks away now and I hope I last til then :P

Things I'm going to do that weekend:

- daily yoga
- take some photos
- finish my plan for world domination
- read 'the Witch of Portobello' by Paulo Coelho (fixed spelling)
- relax :)

I'm moving my Following post to Wednesday so I'll see you then!


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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Planning goals

So I stopped using my hPDA. I've gone back to using google calendar and docs which means less paper generated that has no where to go. I'll always carry a notepad around for ideas though :)

The work planner is going well, but I need to makes some changes for it to really work for me. I find that the hourly scale doesn't work well because when I can't fill in a half hour I feel a lot of guilt and anxeity :P I'll be focusing on how to improve it this week.

So, moving forward. Alex and I are going to take a weekend next month to plan the rest of the year. We'll be removing ourselves from the world (no phones or interwebs) and focusing on ourselves. I'm very excited about it :D


Monday, May 25, 2009

Walking: new post, new glasses

I guess I'm trying to revamp this blog and hold myself to a posting regimen. So, I'm adding a walking post every Monday when I walk on my lunch hour.

I got new glasses this weekend. These are great for two reasons: they help me see and they're purple. My eyes hadn't changed too much but with the amount of monitor staring I do in a day any improvement helps.

I'll be updating on some of my previous goal, planning posts soon.


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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Following: AONC

I was reading an article on the Art of Non-Conformity the other day and it was talking about how important it is to follow someone or something. Everyone wants to be a leader these days, and well being a follower is pretty much the opposite of that prestigious title. But, you need to follow people sometimes if you ever want to lead. Good listening was drilled into our heads in grade school but it's seems to be something a lot of us forget.

So I'm going to start following. Starting today I'm going to post weekly about someone or something I've been following :)

AONC is the first. I've become addicted to Chris' writing and how it make me think "yeah, that's the way it's supposed to be!" I think the site is great for anyone who experiencing a low point in their life whether it's because you're too wrapped up in what you can't do.

Because AONC will show you that yes you can. You just have to start re-training that little head of yours :)

So go check it out!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Best belt ever!

I love this belt. I don't care if it came from an 'old lady' store it is awesomeness incarnate.

Too bad its splendor goes unnoticed in an engineering office.


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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Want: LUSH

It's been lurking in the depths of my subconscious occansionally surfacing but because it has no physical presence here I've been able to resist. Until this weekend when a friend happened to mention the word 'LUSH' and my brain perked up and had a mini freak out. "Someone who loves LUSH? Here? In the wastelands of North America? Eeee!"

So she gave me a few samples she wasn't going to use and now I NEED LUSH.

But where to start? There are so many things I want and so little budget to get them with.

I want Therapy, Snap the Whip, Karma Bubble Bar, Bathos Bubble Bar . . . I could go on and on.


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Friday, May 15, 2009



Can you guess what I took a picture of with my crappy phone camera?


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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My desk is grey

In case you were wildly curious :P

I'm going to be buying a new desk soon for the home workspace. I'm thinking something a little fun might be nice.

At the least I'll go for white.

Contrast between home and work is good.


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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

pan = all

So with all the pandemic news on the go I started wondering what pan meant. The most common search results are about the Greek god but looking up 'pandemic' in wikipedia gave me a the answer ( And it shone new light on words like pandemonium, panorama, I love it.

Yay words!


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Monday, April 20, 2009

Map please!

I love maps. I have a strange compulsion to memorize maps of places I'll be going. When we were in Disney Land we never needed to haul out the guidebook because I always knew where we were. Although sometimes, we took it out anyways because Alex didn't believe me :P

So, anyways, if some omniscient being would like to provide me with a rough map and/or hour by hour schedule of the rest of my life I would gladly memorize and follow it to the letter.

Because life scares me sometimes what with all the gaping possibilities and complete lack of directions.


Thursday, April 16, 2009


I was browsing through the April Around the World photo gallery on CBC ( and was struck by the 23rd pic. It's of a Kumari, a living goddess in Nepal, she is a young child who after a selection process becomes a goddess and is one until she gets her first period (

I was fascinated by the stunning costume and makeup as well as the idea of being a living goddess and how it must feel to return to the everyday mortal world.

I have to find the book 'From Goddess to Mortal' by a former Kumari, Rashmila Shakya.


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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

So curves are 'in' now

I just read an article on Times Online about how curves are now in. However, they certainly don't mean curves from 'extra' weight because several women they mention certainly aren't big. Basically a different body type is the new hotness; if you don't have hips you're out. What they fail to recognize is that there are many body types! It's not like we can change our body type at will; I will never have big boobs and my mother will never spontaneously grow my hips. That is life folks. It's called your phenotype. Tada.

Also, this is probably the most ridiculous line in the article, apparently I (being half curvey) cannot wear jeans and a T-shirt because I'll look like "the big girl who doesn't quite have what it takes." Oh no, High School is invading grown up world again.


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Monday, March 30, 2009

Still using it!

I don't go many places without it really. My life is in there now! Shopping lists, blog ideas, but most importantly my to do list and my calendar of events.

The calendar quickly replaced my weekly planner sheets. I don't have many days with multiple appointments so I use my calenday to keep track of everything. I circle the day and write the event on the back of the card. To keep it easy to read I cross out things thatn are over. I love knowing what I've committed to for the month at a glance. Keeps me from scheduling too many things on one day :)

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Driving a standard in heels

So, I learned to drive a standard all of two months ago and today was the first time I donned heels for the process. Fun times. Basically it's driving on your tip toes and you have to get the angle right so you're not pushing on the pedals with your heels, that is not a good thing.

So I stalled out once, letting the clutch go too early because my foot was positive it was further in. Silly foot.


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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Now What?

Please forgive me for saying this but, now what? What am I supposed to do now? I just spent 20 years in school where the aim was to get out of school and now I'm out. Hmm. Kinda like magic huh? So now where does my brain focus? What is my goal? Sure there's tons of personnal goals (travel, house, kids) but what about my professional life? What am I supposed to aim for at work?

I never really thought about it in school. Back then it was all "I'm going to travel and read books." But if I'm going to do well at work I'm going to need some resonable goals and I don't even know where to start!

Hmm . . .


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Blackberries for Breakfast

Because I forgot my oatmeal and because everywhere I look these days someone is singing the praises of berries.

And because they taste awesome.

(no, I'm not only eating blackberries, I've got crackers and peanut butter too :)

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Monday, March 23, 2009

A little birdie near my ear

I made these last night after finding these nice earwires at Michaels. The photo isn't the greatest, unfortunately I won't be upgrading my phone until December.

I found the birdie and rabbit at a flea market stall and immediately fell in love. I'm sure this won't be their last jewellery incarnation.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

My Cat

Well, I got some sad news this weekend. My cat that I've had since I was ten is showing symptoms of cancer (for a cat her age). It's not conclusive yet but my mom is bringing her to the vet tomorrow (the vet holds a clinic out home one day a week and we thought that would be better than putting her though an hour long drive, she's always hated car trips).

I guess we'll know for certain tomorrow . . .


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Thursday, March 12, 2009

No posts tonight

It doesn't feel right to go on about minor things right now. I'll be back tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sunny Day

It feels a little like spring today. Sure it's still cold but the sun was warm on my tights clad legs. It's the kind of day that lifts your spirits up up and away :D

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Monday, March 9, 2009

The birthdays

This weekend past was packed with birthday fun. We saw The Watchmen, ate lots of yummy food, went skating, and spent lots of time with friends and family. Oh, and we were pretty busy :P

Perhaps some pictures this evening.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I just released my first book into the wild! I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope the person who finds it will go to the site and let me know they found it. I s'pose it's ok if they don't but it'll be so much more fun if they do!

If your wondering what I'm talking about go to and check out the FAQ. The basic idea is that you put a number on a book, leave it somewhere, and hope someone comes along and takes it. Then they have to oppourtunity to go to the site and make a journal entry on the book! After they read the book (or before I s'pose) they can release it back into the wild or pass it on to a friend.

I wonder if anyone has found my book . . . I hope it doesn't get thrown out . . .


Monday, March 2, 2009

Goal Summary Jan 1st - Feb 28th

Looking back at the last two months of 2009 I can't help but feel a little disappointed in myself. Let's start with the bad:

My budget goal (F): this started off really well but I soon fell back into the old habit of being oblivious to what I was spending. If I didn't take out my bi-weekly allowance on time there was no hope of keeping things under control. So, starting this week I'm going to start doing that again and STICKING TO IT!

My exercise goal (B-): not too bad here. I managed to keep a fairly regular schedule in January and joined a Gym in February. The last few weeks haven't been as active as I'd like though and there was one week where I skipped the gym altogether. So, a new week, and new start, I'll be at the gym three times this week.

My organizing goal (too early to grade): well, this is a new one so it's going well. I've started two planners, a compact one for personal use and a larger one for work. I need to hole punch some pages but I'm using them. The to do lists are very helpful. I'm really focusing on making to dos that I can do right now instead of vague items that leave me wondering where to start.

Not too shabby but not to great either. Let's hope the next two months bring better success. I need an A+ in exercise to be ready for my vacation in May and I have a feeling they're all interconnected. Hopefully I'll get too some personal projects on top of all of it.


Friday, February 27, 2009


Alright, here's my hPDA v1.00 with some v1.01 sheets hanging out next to it. Also pictured is my wallet (for cards), BB Pearl, lip balm, lip gloss, and purse. Components of my PDA: plastic covers cut from a binder, scrapbook paper, index cards, glue, two staples, and a book ring.

It all fits nicely in my clutch (nice and cosy). I forgot my pen in the first picture, it's a Pilot V-5 and writes really smooth, it's been a favorite for a while. The hPDA features a pocket in the back for receipts and loose notes, section dividers to make important areas easy to spot (weekly planning, lists, used cards, and unused cards), slightly reformatted cards so the headings don't get hole punched, and a place marker for my current weekly sheet and To do list. I'm really liking the flexibility and convenience of this format. Of course, I've only used it for a day.

Printing and assembly went pretty well. Cutting the plastic was a pain, I must of gone over each cut a million times with the exacto knife. As for printing, I only made one flub, printing my contact info on the pretty side of the cover instead of the blank side. I kept it and printed again on the correct side. It's not too noticeable :)

I've been working on my larger, classic size planner for work. It's looking pretty snazzy, I'll post pictures Monday after one day of use.


DIY Planner - hPDA

Last night I assembled my first Hipster PDA. It took a bit of work ~2 hours but it's done and I'm writing in it today!

I'll be posting pictures and thoughts tonight.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

DIY Planner

Really liking the idea of a DIY planner right now. I've been checking out some templates and I think I'll make up some of my own to supplement what's available. I like adding a personnal touch. I'm thinking a little colour here and there would be nice. My current planner is a blank one I got as a birthday present and it's very colourful. Unfortunately it's running out.

Hmm . . . I think scrapbook paper will make nice dividers.

I'll let you know if anything comes of it :)


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Spacing out

I've been pretty tired lately and I keep spacing out as it were. Mr. Boyfriend is starting to get annoyed because I often don't hear him when I'm staring into space :P

Also, it seems that reading increases the likelihood that I'm not listening. I'm still paying attention to my book but I don't hear a thing going on around me.

I know the generally held opinion in that you zone out because you're processing a lot of different things and your brain needs a break. But I can't find much on the topic. I've tried key words like space, daze, and zone and I'm not really turning much up. I'd like to know more about my funny little brain!

Anyone know the science behind spacing out? I'm going to keep looking myself and see what I come up with.


Catch 22

The ending of Catch 22 was perfect. The whole book I was thinking "where is this heading!" The ending answered my wonderings and reduced my frustration with the world to a more tolerable level.

I will admit that I took my time reading this book. It didn't really suck me in (a quality I enjoy in books). I enjoyed it but I could easily put it down and not look at it for a week. Perhaps that was the necessary incubation time to process and understand the ideas it presented.

I did laugh though, out loud too.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Snow Day

I had half a day off yesterday so I got some reading done. I finished Catch 22 and I read Coraline.

I'll be posting short book reviews later.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reading list

I've accumulated quite the long reading list through neglect of my favorite hobby. I blame WoW and Fable II.

But now I really need to get some reading done. For one I have to read Coraline and Watchman so I can see those respective movies. Before I read those I have to finish Catch 22. I guess I should find out when Coraline goes out of the theater here so I don't miss it.

Anyhow, here's my current reading list:

Catch 22 (less than 100 pages left)
Kusheil's Mercy (half done)
Son of a Witch
Fables (trades 1 - 4)
The Secret Atlas
Bleach (trades 24 & 25, I think)
And probably more coming soon . . .

I'll keep you posted!



Glub glub bloop

Ok, I went a long time without posting and the longer I went the harder it got to write this post. I want to be a perfect blogger like Heather Armstrong.

I think the problem is that I don't have my format nailed down. I'll be working on that over the next few weeks. I also need a better way to update from my phone that will allow me to include pictures and links.

So, if your wondering, the workout plan is going well. I'm keeping it up which is good. The budget is shaping up, I've got to get better at sticking to it though.

See you soon,

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Are you sure it's February already . . .

Last week was busy; busy at work and busy at home. I had things to do coming out of my ears.

So I didn't do much exercising but keeping the eating on track is a lot easier now. Me and Mr. Boyfriend have been learning how to eat good food together (considering our widely varied tastes and preferences). It's been a bit of work (not really conscious work but now I realize what all the debates in the grocery store were about) but he's finally bringing sandwiches for lunch (although not often) and I'm craving stir fry for dinner. We've really found that we have to focus on simple stuff or we'll never eat anything good. Every morning it's the same mad rush to get out the door and it's been convenient that I can easily grab a package of oatmeal, a soup in a carton (Knorr), a piece of fruit or two, a baggie of nuts (almonds or walnuts mostly), and a slice of bread possibly with hummus on it. I know it sounds like a lot of food but there's very little preparation involved other than shoving it in my lunch bag. And it keeps my tummy satisfied all day :)

Suppers are slowly getting easier, we've figured out a few staples (veggie ground round, tomato sauce, and pasta is awesome) so we're not wondering what to cook in a half dazed I've spent 8 hours in front of a computer screen kind of way. Now we have to figure out how to eat food before it goes bad in the fridge . . .


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back in the groove

I'm back into my program, did my workout last night (15 min) and went for a walk yesterday at lunchtime (15 min). So we're feeling pretty good!

I think I'll try for 30 min of exercise a day, every day. I've heard that somewhere . . .


Back in the groove

I'm back into my program, did my workout last night (15 min) and went for a walk yesterday at lunchtime (15 min). So we're feeling pretty good!

I think I'll try for 30 min of exercise a day, every day. I've heard that somewhere . . .


Monday, January 26, 2009

Yes, I disappeared

For many reasons really. I was extremely crooked (read cranky) from the constant pain of my healing mouth. I stopped exercising. I stopped budgeting my money.

I felt bad so I felt satisfied by forsaking my budget and buying things to make me temporarily happy. Forsaking exercise wasn't totally without reason. I finally got back into things Friday night by playing Ultimate Frisbee, after the first few minutes of running around I could taste the blood in my mouth (ick). The budget isn't totally shot and I should be back on track this week.



I'm here trying to focus on the yumminess of my beans andndeown out the office with the The Sounds when all I really want to do is . . .

well I'm not sure what I want to do. I want to feel happy. Maybe all I need is a hug or just to give a hug.

It'd be a little weird though if I hugged a coworker :P

See ya later,

Thursday, January 15, 2009

They're gone.

My wisdom teeth are no longer a part of me. Coincidentally, I now look like a chipmunk. Oh, and my breath is not a pleasant thing.

The procedure wasn't bad, I was put to sleep so I only remember half waking up towards the end and saying "ow." To which they responded by giving me more local anesthetic. Needless to say my mouth was pretty useless for sometime afterwards. Waking up during the procedure wasn't bad, it wasn't a fully awake experience, I was weaving in and out of sleep. I don't think I fully woke up until I saw Mr. Boyfriend come in the room. Although I can't remember that too clearly either.

On the way home we joked that I looked like a vampire (what with the blood running out over my deadened lips). I'm glad we could laugh at that :)

Once home, I went back to sleep.

Overall, not too bad. Still alive and everything.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh weekends

You destroy my will to post :)

So I was going to share with the world the reward I'm planning for myself if I stick to my exercise plan and monetary budget. Well here it is in all it's glory . . .

I love. Initially I fell in love with the pattern on the fabric. Then I saw this purse, then I saw that I could actually afford it in two months. It keeps me going. It made me work out this evening despite the fact that I had just gone for a walk (in the snow, uphill). It's my new coach (hahaha).

I love puns too.


Friday, January 9, 2009


So I did my workout again last night. Go me! I should mention that I'm doing five of each exercise. The plan doesn't seem to specify and one of each didn't feel like enough.

So I've done it twice this week. Next week I'll be doing it three times starting Sunday and then I'll start moving up the reps.

Tonight, I think I'll be revealing the two month reward I'll be getting myself if I stick to my goals.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Workout

So I didn't do my workout Monday morning, and I couldn't drag myself out of bed Tuesday morning. But I finally did it Tuesday evening after eating out :S

It's pretty good, gets your heart beating. I over extended my arms a little on the squat thrusts and mountain climbers which might get aggravated so I'll be more careful when I do it tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The First Test

I need a haircut, however, last night I went shopping with Mr. Boyfriend and we both spent quite a bit of money. We bought things that useful things: a Brita filter because we can see the sediment in our tap water, a swimsuit (for me) because I prefer to not swim laps in a bikini, sewing supplies for my first simple projects and mending, and a curtain rod for our bedroom to cover up the gap between blinds and window. After all that, I have $20 left.

So, no haircut for me until this weekend when I give myself my allowance :S

Also, it looks like next week I have to decide between jewellery findings and a sewing machine part.

This is kinda fun (you may laugh but this reminds me of starting out in a video game and trying to decide between a better sword or training, I guess these things are based on real life :P)


Monday, January 5, 2009

Getting my ass in gear

I have to start exercising regularly. I've tried the gym membership thing before and it just doesn't work for me, I just end up wasting my money. So I'm starting tomorrow morning with a 7 minute plan from Women's Health that I can do at home. To enhance that plan me and Mr. Boyfriend will be skiing and swimming a lot this winter.

Once I've got the 7 minute plan down I'm going to try something a bit more intensive.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Sticking to a budget

Resolution number 1 is to set myself a budget and stick to it. I've tried several times in the last few months to set a budget for myself and failed every time. For this attempt I'm going to set my budget higher than I was trying before. I think I was trying to go too low compared to what I usually spend and going cold turkey wasn't cutting it.

I'm going to go the cash allowance method, I took out this week's allowance this afternoon. That way it's harder to lose track of how much I've spent (something I always do).

Finally, I'm going to give myself rewards as I meet my goals. The first reward will be after I've stuck to my budget for a month. Small steps people :)


Lots of resolutions

This year is going to be a busy one. I've been writing down my New Years resolutions and it's quite the list.

One of the items on that list is to consolidate my two blogs into something that is coherent but distinctly me. Or at least that's the idea :P

It's going to take some time, I have to take vista off my laptop so it will function more smoothly. Then. I'll be working out the new blog details, where it will be, what it'll look like, etc.

I'm going to be going through my New Years resolutions one by one over the next few days. Up first will be my budget resolution tonight.
