Thursday, January 15, 2009

They're gone.

My wisdom teeth are no longer a part of me. Coincidentally, I now look like a chipmunk. Oh, and my breath is not a pleasant thing.

The procedure wasn't bad, I was put to sleep so I only remember half waking up towards the end and saying "ow." To which they responded by giving me more local anesthetic. Needless to say my mouth was pretty useless for sometime afterwards. Waking up during the procedure wasn't bad, it wasn't a fully awake experience, I was weaving in and out of sleep. I don't think I fully woke up until I saw Mr. Boyfriend come in the room. Although I can't remember that too clearly either.

On the way home we joked that I looked like a vampire (what with the blood running out over my deadened lips). I'm glad we could laugh at that :)

Once home, I went back to sleep.

Overall, not too bad. Still alive and everything.


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