Saturday, May 23, 2009

Following: AONC

I was reading an article on the Art of Non-Conformity the other day and it was talking about how important it is to follow someone or something. Everyone wants to be a leader these days, and well being a follower is pretty much the opposite of that prestigious title. But, you need to follow people sometimes if you ever want to lead. Good listening was drilled into our heads in grade school but it's seems to be something a lot of us forget.

So I'm going to start following. Starting today I'm going to post weekly about someone or something I've been following :)

AONC is the first. I've become addicted to Chris' writing and how it make me think "yeah, that's the way it's supposed to be!" I think the site is great for anyone who experiencing a low point in their life whether it's because you're too wrapped up in what you can't do.

Because AONC will show you that yes you can. You just have to start re-training that little head of yours :)

So go check it out!


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