Thursday, November 27, 2008


I had a song in my head this afternoon. I couldn't stop humming it, nor could I figure out it's origin except for a faint inkling that it was from the eighties. So, I called Mr. Boyfriend, who being slightly older than me has a better memory of the esteemed decade in question. Well, he figured it out Wishing Well, by Terence Trent D'Arby. And that didn't help too much, it struck a bell but I did not experience a full recollection. It wasn't til I got home, looked it up, and heard it that I truly remembered the song.

And the recollection was glorious! Not being able to remember had been eating away at me all afternoon as I mindlessly hummed or whistled the few bars rattling around in my head. When I finally heard it I was so happy I broke into dance. Which brought back memories of when I used to dance alone in my room. I know it may sound odd but I really enjoyed being by myself and dancing in a way that would never see the dance floor.

I think I may take up the habit again. Don't tell anyone.


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