Monday, June 15, 2009

Walking: quickly

No leisurely walks for me today! No I must get myself to Extreme Pita and back in record time. Why? Because I may have to take off half an hour early so I have to work through my half hour lunch hour. So, technically I have ~0mins to walk to EP, order lunch, and walk back to work.

The good things about this walk:

1. I can see Extreme Pita from my office building (you may have to closely examine the above picture).
2. I am wearing a magenta cardigan. Magenta has powers.

Bad things about this walk:

1. Time limit :P

Wish me luck and time travel :D

Power in blue and red wavelengths!


P.S. I used to pronounce Magenta, Magnet-a. Understandable for vocab gleaned from a crayon.

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